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Homepage of apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettina Detmann

Prof. Dr. Bettina Detmann
University of Duisburg-Essen  
Campus Essen
Geotechnical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
45117 Essen

Email: bettina.detmann(at)

Research interests

Applications of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics in geosciences, especially
  • multi-component systems with mass exchange (adsorption) and diffusion,
  • acoustic and surface waves in poroelastic media,
  • modeling and numerical analysis of wave propagation in partially saturated soils
  • transport of pollutants in soils
  • numerical investigation of the propagation of sound and vibrations
  • mathematical investigation of the capillary pressure in soils including hysteresis
  • chemical reactions in porous media
  • infiltration and capillary rise in soils

Research projects

2005-2009: DFG project "Modeling and numerical analysis of wave propagation in partially saturated soils"

2009-2013: Joint DFG project of TU Berlin and TU Hamburg-Harburg "Propagation of sound and vibrations due to bankside shipping traffic"
2012-2015: Einstein Junior Fellow at TU Berlin funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin Project: "Hysteresis effects and wave propagation in partially saturated porous media"
2014-2020: managed by the University of Stavanger "Low-Frequency Hydrocarbon Indication in Reflection Seismic Data"


Curriculum vitae

Contributions to conferences and seminars

Picture Collection


Member of the International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics (ISIMM),
of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM),
of the European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH),
of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore),
of the Familienkundliche Vereinigung für das Klever Land e.V.

and of theSegelclub Rheingau e.V.

Link to Bettina Detmann on ResearchGate
Link to Bettina Detmann on GoogleScholar
ORCID iD icon

Bettina Detmann, 26.08.2024